Archive for the ‘Garden ideas’ Category

More Wildflowers!

Saturday, September 18th, 2010

What are the advantages of incorporating wildflowers into your garden?  According to the NPIN website ( ), they conserve water, save money on fertilizer and provide a home for birds and butterflies.  The goldenrod and endangered False Foxglove were found at the Chiwaukee Prairie.  Unfortunately, my photography skills are not great so the False-Foxglove (A. skinneriana) isn’t the best picture.

Design Ideas

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

I keep old copies of Garden Gate around for inspiration during the long winter months in Illinois.  The articles and design ideas are timeless and I always find something new to think about for the coming spring.  Have you seen Garden Gate magazine?  You can pick up a copy at Borders Books and from their website: For example, the February 2008 issue had an article about shasta daisies.  It points out that the daisy has many good qualities such as “forms nice clumps”; “stiff stem” and a “long bloom season”.  Upload a picture of your home on and see if the Shasta Daisy would look good in your garden!